St Philip Westbrook C of E Primary School

St Philip Westbrook C of E Primary School"Together we aim high and with God's love we can fly"

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6; below you will find details of the children’s learning for each curriculum area.

Autumn 1 Learning: Journey and Migration Links

Our learning this half term includes links to journeys through our English and Reading curriculum with the children empathising with migrants and joining in with role playing activities to inspire their writing. We will also have a visitor to talk to the children about their religious pilgrimage. Our Science topic gives the children lots of opportunities to classify living things based on observable characteristics. History explores how the Victorian Era changed Britain, industrialisation and the affects on the country. 

English Mathematics Religious Education Science
Art & Design Computing History Physical Education
Physical Education PSHE Spanish  


Autumn 2 Learning: Electricity 

Exciting learning this half term includes building electrical circuits in science to test how voltage affects a variety of components such as bulbs, buzzers and motors. This leads on nicely to our Design and Technology lessons where the children will be designing and producing a steady hand game with an electrical circuit. Geography allows the children to explore the different climate zones and weather patterns across the world. We have a special drama workshop that supports our focus on anti-bullying. 

English Mathematics Religious Education Science
Design & Technology Geography Music Physical Education
PSHE Spanish    


Spring 1 Learning: WWII 

Our focus in History is World War II which the children always find fascinating. To complement our learning, we will visit Burtonwood Airbase in order to explore authentic artefacts and find out about our locality during the war. In RE, we will be revisiting the story of Moses and the Exodus, allowing us to discover the Jewish Festival of Passover and the Seder meal, reflecting on how the food links to the story. The children will study the artwork of Paul Cézanne to create their own still life paintings, using objects from around the classroom.

English Mathematics Religious Education Science
Art & Design Computing History Physical Education
Physical Education PSHE Spanish  


Spring 2: Secrets of the Rainforest

Our main focus this half-term will be on rainforests for our geography topic, where the children will discover the various layers of the rainforest and their features. We will also explore the weather, animals and vegetation of rainforests as well as finding out about indigenous populations. Our science topic links to the environment and climate change and encourages the children to think about how they can be courageous advocates. We will also think about the question “Who is Jesus?” in RE, linking it to the events of Holy Week. We will be participating in a Personal Safety workshop that teaches children how to be aware of their surroundings and dangers that may be around and how to protect themselves. 

English Mathematics Religious Education Science
Computing Design & Technology Geography Music
Physical Education Physical Education PSHE Spanish


Summer 1: Architectural Masterpieces

This half-term includes SATs week. Our focus in art & design is on well-known and celebrated architecture, including that of Spaniard Antoni Gaudí, exploring La Sagrada Familia and his use of mosaic. In our RE topic, we continue with Ideas about God and revisit Pentecost.  The final week will be our residential to the Conway Centre in Anglesey where the children will gain more independence, experience amazing outdoor adventurous activities and develop their problem solving and teamwork skills. 

English Mathematics Science Religious Education
Art & Design Computing History Physical Education
Physical Education Physical Education PSHE Spanish


Summer 2: Moving On

This final half-term before moving on to high school will include transition days where the children can experience a day (or days) in the life at their new secondary school, sampling a variety of lessons. We will have an exciting visitor, running lego workshops to complement our DT lessons. In science lessons, we will be learning about evolution and inheritance which ties in nicely with our RE topic “Creation and Science: Conflicting or Complementary?” where the children will be considering the views of different denominations of Christianity regarding creation and scientific evidence. We will also visit Liverpool Anglican Cathedral for a Year 6 leavers’ service and we will be performing a leavers’ production which should leave the children with some fantastic memories of their time at St Philip’s.

English Mathematics Religious Education Science
Computing Design & Technology Geography Music
Physical Education Physical Education PSHE Spanish