St Philip Westbrook C of E Primary School

St Philip Westbrook C of E Primary School"Together we aim high and with God's love we can fly"

Sports & PE Grant Funding

We place a strong emphasis on encouraging children to make healthy choices at St Philip’s.

This is supported by a wide range of sporting opportunities that are provided within the school day and through a range of after school activities. Our progressive Physical Education curriculum focuses upon developing essential skills and applying these within specific sports each half term, ensuring that children apply their skills and learn how to play the sports; this also gives children the opportunity to take part in competitions and tournaments within PE lessons. The curriculum is carefully planned to ensure that skills are progressive across school and are revisited and built upon. In dance, children are also given the opportunity to rehearse and perform at special events such as local concerts and at celebrations for parents.

Our wider sports provision also provides opportunities for competitive inter school games as well as activities aimed at developing cooperative and team building skills.

After school clubs change on a half termly basis and are offered to age ranges throughout school. These include football, rugby, athletics, fencing, judo, gymnastics, archery, multi skills plus others. These change according to the demand, and provide opportunities to learn a new range of skills, that  are not readily available in the local area.

Each year, schools receive funding to improve their Sports and Physical Education. For more information about how we spend the money, and the impact that it has, see below.

For the academic year 2023-2024 the school received Primary PE and Sport Premium funding of £21,269. Within our PE spending plans we aimed to:

  • Develop broader experiences of outdoor and adventurous activities 
  • Develop confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff
  • Purchase equipment to support the teaching of PE
  • Provide increased opportunities for participation in competitive sport

Full details of the impact of our spending can be found here:

Sports Grant Report July 2024

For the academic year 2024-2025 the school will receive Primary PE and Sport Premium funding of £21300. Within our PE spending plans, we aim to:
  • Maintain and grow our engagement in the School Games to work towards the Gold School Games Mark.
  • Support the personal development of targeted pupils through engagement in the 60 active minutes scheme.
  • Develop and provide more opportunities for our Sports Ambassadors to flourish.
  • Engage with key stakeholders to improve the experiences for young people and their families.