St Philip Westbrook C of E Primary School

St Philip Westbrook C of E Primary School"Together we aim high and with God's love we can fly"

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1; below you will find details of the children’s learning for each curriculum area.

Book List

Year 1 Book List – a selection of books from this list will be studied in English and reading lessons in year one.

Autumn 1 Learning: Down my Street

Wow moments this half term will include a mystery cave painter who embellishes our classroom, a very special visit from the Three Bears who need some urgent help from the children and there will be a very unusual arrival from outer space! The children will also enjoy tasting food from around the world and will enrich and deepen their learning in the classroom through local visits to the Orchard, the library and through local fieldwork.

We will complete forest school sessions including den making and will use our imaginations to go wild whilst exploring our environment.

English Mathematics Phonics Religious Education
Science Computing Design Technology Geography
Music Physical Education Physical Education PSHE


Autumn 2 Learning: The Great Fire of London

Wow moments will include a visit from a local fight fighter, a bear who needs help with his hats and  two very difficult villains who need to be controlled by a superhero.  

We look forward to welcoming our school Digital Leaders who will help to teach us how to stay safe online. 

We will write and deliver letters to a special man in a red suit! The children be also be busy preparing for their Year One Christmas performance and will enjoy participating in many Christmas activities.

English Mathematics Phonics Religious Education
Science Art & Design History Physical Education


Spring 1 Learning: Wider World 

Wow moments this term will include arriving to a rather interesting basket full of odd looking eggs, these will require some exploration and investigation! The children will also welcome visitors from different countries as they aim to discover more about the wider world. As part of this topic we will also get our taste buds tingling as we sample foods from around the world. 

We will become creative as we welcome into school Twig Twisters who will teach us the art of weaving. 

English  Mathematics Phonics Religious Education
Science Art & Design Computing Geography
Music Physical Education Physical Education PSHE


Spring 2 Learning: When Will I Be Famous? 

We will be inspired by people who have achieved great things. We will welcome local inspirational visitors and share how they achieved their dreams. After our classroom is taken over with rubbish, we will consider ways in which we can help the friendly dinosaurs to clean the planet.  We will even become environmentalists and campaign to lessen plastic pollution, especially in our oceans.

We will visit Sankey Valley park where we shall complete a Big Bird Watch as well as sketching. 

Our classrooms will turn into a bank as we explore how we spend and hopefully save money!


English Mathematics Phonics Religious Education
Science Computing Design & Technology History
Physical Education Physical Education PSHE  

Summer 1 Learning: Green Fingers

Our focus this half term will be ensuring our classroom and locality bloom. We will re-visit the orchard to identify how this has changed throughout the seasons  and to spot signs of summer along the way.  We will learn how to use digital imagery to capture our learning.

When a mysterious colourful jacket arrives in our classroom we will investigate who it belongs to and any important messages their story may bring.

Mysteriously, a  Yeti’s foot prints will be discovered  in the classroom,  we will compare his wintery landscape to our locality. We will also ensure that we consider our Christian Values to make sure that he does not feel alone.

We will walk to a local primary school, where we shall participate in a picnic and a sporting event. 

English Mathematics Phonics Religious Education
Science Computing Design & Technology Geography
Music Physical Education Physical Education PSHE

Summer 2 Learning: Let’s Play! 

This half term, we will be learning about Toys from the Past and how materials change. 

When we visit the Catalyst museum, we will engage in a host of interactive exhibits, reconstructed scenes and multisensory activities to bring learning to life. We will also put our Geography and art skills to the test as we sketch and observe our local landscape from an incredible height! 

We will invite an architect into school to help us understand their job role and link it to our text of Iggy Peck, Architect.

We will bring our favourite teddies into school and enjoy preparing and sharing a picnic with them, including some extra special fruit kebab treats designed and made by ourselves. Our teddies will also be invited to our new classes as we prepare and get ready for our next chapter. 

English Mathematics Phonics Religious Education
Science Art & Design Computing History
Physical Education Physical Education PSHE