St Philip Westbrook C of E Primary School

St Philip Westbrook C of E Primary School"Together we aim high and with God's love we can fly"

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2; below you will find details of the children’s learning for each curriculum area.

Autumn 1 Learning: Wonderful Westbrook

Our exciting learning this half term includes exploring the wonderful resources we have in our local area. We will explore the physical and human features of the woodland and orchard areas, and map out our own route to follow and explore. We are also being creative and hands-on in Design and Technology – designing and creating our own wheeled vehicle. The children will attend our local library to enrich their knowledge of subjects studied this half and will also visit our local Orchard for hands-on outdoor science learning with The Land Trust focusing on how plants germinate and begin to grow. In Music, we will be composing and performing on the glockenspiels.

English Mathematics Religious Education Science
Computing Design & Technology Geography Music
Physical Education Physical Education PSHE  

Autumn 2 Learning: Celebrating Diversity and Achievements

We will be focussing on significant, inspirational people from the past such as Ghandi and Mandela. The topic enables us to understand why we commemorate these events and understand the significance of their place in British History. In Art, we are getting hands-on again, printing a design for our Christmas cards. We will design a printing pattern, and learn how to print with positive and negative prints.

English Mathematics Religious Education Science
Art & Design History Physical Education PSHE


Spring 1 Learning: Around the World

Our Design and Technology topic takes us to Africa. Our sewing, threading and cutting skills are developed throughout the project in which we will be designing and creating a traditional African wall hanging.​ We are excited to learn all about our partner school in South Africa which is called Masizani school; we will be finding out all about their daily home and school life and comparing it our lives here in Westbrook. We are looking forward to playing musical instruments to traditional South African music and developing our knowledge and skills in playing standard notation! 

English Mathematics Religious Education Science
Computing Design & Technology Geography Music
Physical Education Physical Education PSHE  


Spring 2 Learning: Terrible Titanic

In Spring 2, we are off to sea! We will be setting sail aboard the Titanic! We will be roleplaying a day in the life of a passenger; learning how the First Class passengers lived a life of luxury and contrasting this to the Third Class passengers, who had a rough ride when it came to the end of their journey! Linking to the luxury life of the First Class passengers, we are designing, moulding and shaping a piece of jewellery. We will sketch our design, using shading techniques, then produce the final design using clay.
In Science, we have lots of very exciting visitors who are almost ready to hatch! We will use our observation skills to watch them grow through the start of their life cycle, and compare and contrast this to a range of other birds, mammals, amphibians and insects.

English Mathematics Religious Education Science
Art & Design Computing History Physical Education
Physical Education PSHE    


Summer 1 Learning: Happy Healthy Me

Throughout Summer 1, we will be thinking about how we keep ourselves happy and healthy. Our Science topic teaches us how to plan a balanced healthy diet, and we will look at the benefits that exercise has on our bodies. Linking very closely to Science, in DT we will be learning the skills of chopping, slicing and grating, in order to make a healthy salad using lots of different food types. Our PSHE topic will teach us how to brush our teeth correctly and teach ways to help us relax before bed. We talk about how sleep helps keep us physically and mentally healthy. After the Easter break, we come back and learn about Pentecost in our RE, learning about the impact of the ascension of Christ and the arrival of the Holy Spirit

English Mathematics Religious Education Science
Computing Design & Technology History Music
Physical Education Physical Education PSHE  


Summer 2 Learning: I Do Like to be Beside the Seaside

Our final topics of the year focus on a fantastic day out… to the beach! As we finish our topics, we spend a day at Norton Priory. There we will spend the morning focusing on two activities. Whilst at the priory, we will look at habitats in the forest. Secondly, we will be pond dipping. These link to our Science topic in which we will look at living things and things which have never lived. We will be looking for living things in their habitats and creating their food chains. In Geography, we will be looking at coastlines and the features of these. We will explore how coastlines are used by animals and humans and how humans have developed the land. As part of our trip, we visit the beach and explore how the land is used there.

English Mathematics Religious Education Science
Art & Design Computing Geography Physical Education
Physical Education PSHE