St Philip Westbrook C of E Primary School

St Philip Westbrook C of E Primary School"Together we aim high and with God's love we can fly"

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3. Below you will find details of the children’s learning.

Book List

Year 3 Book List -a selection of books from this list will be studied in English and reading lessons in year 3.

Autumn 1 Learning: Stone Age Links

Exciting learning this half term includes exploring our outdoor environment to discover natural materials to use as tools for developing our Stone Age artwork; we will also create our own natural colour pigments, just as Stone Age people would have done! The children will participate in a Workshop led by The Lowry based on cave paintings and Stone Age art. The children will also visit our local Orchard for hands-on outdoor science learning with The Land Trust focusing upon germination and pollination.

English Mathematics Religious Education Science
Art & Design Computing History Music
Physical Education Physical Education  PSHE Spanish


Autumn 2 Learning: Our Local Area

This half term, we will explore Westbrook as part of our Geography learning. We will take the opportunity to go on a local walk and look at some of the features of Westbrook; taking part in field work to develop our mapping skills. We will also be exploring forces and magnets in Science, through planning and conducting a range of exciting and memorable investigations. At the end of the Science unit, we will enjoy working in collaboration to create magnetic games.

English Mathematics Religious Education Science
Design & Technology Geography Physical Education PSHE


Spring 1: Ancient Egyptians 

We will be visiting Warrington Museum as part of our History learning. At Warrington Museum, we will explore Ancient Egyptian artefacts and create clay shabtis! In DT, we will be making an Egyptian Sarcophagus; learning how to take a 2-dimensional object and turn it into a 3-dimensional object. We will explore a range of nets to create 3D shapes. 

English Mathematics Religious Education Science
Computing Design & Technology History Music
Physical Education Physical Education PHSE Spanish


Spring 2: A Place in the Sun

This half term, we will become textile designers and we will learn to tie-dye and customise our own t-shirts. We will then model these in our very own Year 3 fashion show! In RE, we will reflect on the Easter story and think about how this story is a sad but also a joyful one. Members of the clergy will lead a ‘Lent Experience’ to allow us to reflect on how Lent is a time of preparation. As part of our Computing unit, we will participate in a coding workshop where we will build robots and use our coding skills to programme the robots around a given course.

English Mathematics Religious Education Science
Art & Design Computing Geography Physical Education
Physical Education PSHE Spanish  


Summer 1: Can We Tell a Story?

During this half term we are eager to learn all about Ancient Greece. Children will learn through role play how Spartan and Athenian lives compare. We will have our very own ‘Greek Day’ where we will be joined by The Makers of History, a company who immerse the children in Ancient Greek life. At the end of the day, children will work together to put on an authentic Greek performance. In Art, we will use our drawing and cutting skills to create shadow puppets, which are then used to retell a Greek myth. 
English Mathematics Religious Education Science
Art & Design Computing History Music
Physical Education Physical Education PSHE Spanish


Summer 2: Volcanoes and Rocks 

During this half term, the children will be excited to learn all about rocks, volcanoes and earthquakes. The children will learn about the effects of an earthquake and how people protect themselves from an earthquake, through the use of drama, lights and sound effects. We will also have a very exciting trip which will involve lots of team-building and outdoor activities. 

English Mathematics Religious Education Science
Computing Design & Technology Geography Physical Education
Physical Education Physical Education PSHE Spanish