St Philip Westbrook C of E Primary School

St Philip Westbrook C of E Primary School"Together we aim high and with God's love we can fly"


Welcome to all of our prospective parents, we hope that you find our website informative and that it supports you in making a choice of school for your child.

Admissions to Reception

During the autumn term preceding your child’s application we invite prospective parents to visit the school, which provides you with the opportunity to look around the building and find out more information. 

If you would like to visit the school, please call 01925-445391 or send an email to the school office: 

We also require a completed Supplementary Information form to be handed in or sent via email for all children applying for a place in Reception class. A  copy is available to view further down this page and can be downloaded for you to complete. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions and we hope to see you and your child soon.

The school follows the agreed timetable and guidance for admissions and the appeal process/timetable as published by the Local Authority which can be found here. Places at St Philip’s are then allocated according to our admissions criteria which can be found at the foot of the page.

The Admission process then begins according to the Local Authority timescale and guidance. If you require a place at St Philip’s it is important that you put the school as your first preference on the form then return it to the Local Authority by the set date. Places will then be allocated according to our admissions criteria and within the timescale detailed by the Local Authority.

Admissions to Years 1-6

Occasionally, a place may become available in our older year groups. If you are interested in a place for a child in Year 1 – Year 6 please contact the Local Authority to enquire if we have any vacancies within a class. (01925 443322 Monday to Friday between 8am-6pm or The Local Authority will then liaise with us to officially secure a place. School will then contact you to arrange a start date. Please note that our admissions criteria also applies to admissions in Years 1-6.

The school’s oversubscription criteria can be found within the admissions policy below.

Further Information About Submitting an Appeal

Further information about submitting an appeal, should your application for a place at the school be unsuccessful, can be found here.

Supplementary Information Form

Admissions Policy 2024-25

Admissions Policy 2025-26

Admissions Policy 2026-27



Further Information About Submitting an Appeal

Further information about submitting an appeal, should your application for a place at the school be unsuccessful, can be found here.

Please note that information about how to appeal for  the normal round of admissions into Reception class for 2025-2026 will be available from February 2025.

If you have applied to move schools in any year group and your child has been refused a place at a preferred school, you will receive a letter from the LA, which will explain why a place was refused and include details of how to appeal for a place. The process for making an appeal  is:

  • An appeal must be made in writing to the LA within 20 days from the date of notification that the application was unsuccessful.
  • You will be contacted ten days before the appeal date to outline the process and the options available.
  • Paperwork will be sent to you around five working days before the hearing.
  • The panel members will make their decision in private and you and the school will be told of their decision by letter within five school days.
  • Successful Panel – If your appeal is successful your child will be awarded a place at the school and you will be asked to contact them to arrange a start date.
  • Unsuccessful Panel – no further appeal can be made for the same school in the same year group, unless there has been a material change of your or the school’s circumstances