As a Church of England primary school, the personal development of our children has high priority at St. Philip’s. The personal development of our pupils is underpinned by our relentless focus upon the school’s Christian values.
These Christian values are fundamental to our vision for education and all staff are focussed upon ensuring that our children understand these values and apply them in their daily lives within school, outside school and beyond the primary school years. |
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Our children are immersed in a school ethos which promotes their personal development. Our school’s Christian vision is that, ‘Together we aim high and with God’s love we can fly’. This vision is lived out by all members of our school community and impacts directly upon our children’s personal development. Our aim is for all our children to flourish and to ‘soar on wings like eagles’. | ![]() |
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At St. Philip’s, our spiritual, moral, social and cultural provision is excellent and this enables us to secure outstanding personal development. Our entire team is focussed upon achieving the following for our children: | |
At St. Philip’s, the spiritual child can:
At St. Philip’s, the moral child can:
At St. Philip’s, the social child can:
At St. Philip’s, the cultural child can:
As a result of our strong focus upon our Christian vision lived out through our Christian values, and a robust SMSC policy, character development at St. Philip’s is outstanding.
Beyond our Christian vision and Christian values, outstanding personal development is secured for our pupils in a number of other ways, including through our curriculum: SMSC in Subjects Overview
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Wider Opportunities
At St. Philip’s we work hard to provide opportunities beyond the taught curriculum. We have a strong focus upon providing for all our pupils: Pupil leadership opportunities; Involvement with the local community; A wide range of extra-curricular activities beyond the school day; Opportunities to perform; Sporting competitions with other schools; A wide range of visits and visitors; Involvement in charity work. |
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Pupil Leadership
Pupil leadership opportunities are fundamental to character development at St. Philip’s. We have a vast range of opportunities for our pupils including: School Council, Ethos Group, Courageous Advocacy Team, Digital Leaders, Prefects, Librarians, Sports Ambassadors, Eco Team, Play Leaders, Global Awareness Team and Lunch Club Leaders. As a result, our pupils develop leadership skills which they use in everyday life and which prepare them for the future. |
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Community Involvement
At St. Philip’s, we have an active culture of justice and responsibility, and community involvement is an important element in this. Our children have opportunities to engage with the local community. For example, our Year 6 pupils plan a community carol concert, inviting local business owners, residents of the local care home, church groups and parents. We are heavily involved in local environmental groups which benefit our pupils as well as a number of other partnerships which enable our children to be involved in the local community. |
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Extra-Curricular Activities
Children at St. Philip’s enjoy a robust offer of extra-curricular activities. We offer sporting, musical and curriculum opportunities to our children, tailored to their interests, beyond the school day. Participation in our programme is high and we actively seek to include pupils from all pupil groups within our activities. |
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Performance Opportunities
We offer our pupils a range of opportunities to perform. Each year group plans and delivers a Christmas performance. We also invite children to perform at the start of worship each day to demonstrate their musical talents. Music opportunities are widespread at our school and we give all pupils who engage with instrument lessons regular opportunities to perform to audiences and to parents at our annual Musical evening. Our choir have the opportunity to perform regularly in the local community, and each year we offer our children the opportunity to perform to a Warrington- wide audience at the Warrington Primary Arts Network performance. |
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Sporting Opportunities
Sport is key to our pupil offer at St. Philip’s. We strongly believe in the role of sport in developing pupils’ character, as well as encouraging them to lead a healthy lifestyle. Our robust PE curriculum provides exposure to a vast range of sports. This is complemented by the generous extra-curricular programme which aims to provide our children with the opportunity to find a sport they enjoy. We also invest heavily in transport to allow our children to engage in inter-school sporting competition. |
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Visits and Visitors
Our curriculum includes a number of visits and visitors which widen our children’s knowledge and experience. We have a strong focus on giving our children the cultural capital they require to be successful in life and plan a range of cultural and outdoor and adventurous visits which achieve this. We invite visitors to our school who will support our pupils’ personal development. More details of these opportunities can be found here: Visits, Visitors & Enrichment |
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Charity Work
As a Christian school, charity work is planned throughout the year in order to help our children to understand the importance of helping and supporting those who need our help. We support national charity events such as Children in Need; as well as local charities such as the local food bank and charities which support refugees in the Warrington area. |
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Courageous Advocacy
We encourage our children to be courageous advocates and to speak up about issues that concern them. Recently, for example, we have challenged our pupils to consider the impact we, as humans, have on the environment. Our children, through their own research, identified a series of issues which were important to them such as plastic use and the pollution of our oceans. They then went on to plan action to bring about improvements such as writing to their local MP or lobbying local business owners to encourage them to reduce waste. As a result, our children understand that they can use their voice for good and to bring about change. |
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Our children learn about right and wrong. They understand the need for rules and why they are beneficial to society. Our curriculum helps our children to understand different groups and communities as well as democracy and its institutions. They understand that society includes a range of voluntary, community and pressure groups. Our children also understand that they live in a country with a range of different national, regional, religious and ethnic identities. |
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Focus on British Values
At St. Philip’s, we aim for our children to live out our identified Christian values and we are proactive in linking these to British values. Through our curriculum, and our worship programme, we secure a firm understanding of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. |
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A focus on inclusion, diversity and equality
Inclusion, diversity and equality are at the very heart of our school. We are a diverse school community united under our school vision which states that ‘TOGETHER we aim high, and with God’s love we can fly’. As a result, the concept of ‘togetherness’ is at the heart of everything we do. Our PSHE curriculum, the wider curriculum and the school’s worship programme also contribute to developing a solid understanding on inclusion, diversity and equality amongst our student population. |
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Knowledge of Faiths and Cultures
As a Church of England school, our RE curriculum focusses predominantly upon Christianity, however a substantial proportion of our curriculum aims to develop the children’s knowledge and faith of other cultures. This is supplemented by celebrations of the festivals of other world faiths. We also hold an annual World Religions Week in which we aim to improve understanding of each of the religions represented within our school community. |
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High Quality Worship
At St. Philip’s, collective worship is central to the life of our school and contributes significantly to our pupils’ personal development. It reflects our Christian vision and shapes our approach to others and what we do at our school. We believe that worship is an expression of a relationship with God and reflects a desire to serve God and others. Collective worship strengthens and supports the Christian character of our school, reaffirms our school’s Christian values and celebrates the contribution that each child makes to our community. Worship secures an understanding of Christianity as well as other world faiths and also supports our children’s understanding of British values. |
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Oracy Education
Our school has a strong focus upon oracy education and we aim for our children to be confident speakers. This contributes significantly to personal development. By developing oracy, we enable our children to increase in confidence, empowering students with the belief that their voice has value and developing the ability to articulate thoughts so others will listen. Our focus upon oracy also fosters wellbeing, supporting students to build successful relationships, talk through issues, express feelings and resolve conflicts. Oracy education also equips students to thrive in life beyond school, helping them to progress, access employment and engage in civic life. |
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RSHE Curriculum
At St. Philip’s, we have a strong relationships, sex and health education curriculum which supports our pupils in staying safe. Our curriculum aims for our children to understand the indicators of safe and unsafe relationships as well as key concepts of respect, consent, appropriate and inappropriate contact, kindness and commitment. Our curriculum and our worship programme support understanding of the equality of different families. Our RSHE curriculum and our computing curriculum teach our children about online risks and how to report them. Our curriculum also supports our pupils in being prepared for changes in adolescence. Furthermore, we teach our children about the importance of physical health and mental health and wellbeing. |
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PSHE Curriculum
Personal, social and health education has high priority at St. Philip’s and complements our RSHE curriculum. Our curriculum is well planned and carefully developed to ensure that it teaches children about pupils’ wider safety, economic understanding as well as understanding of technology and the use of media. |