St Philip Westbrook is a happy school. The sentiment of the school motto, ‘Together we aim high and with God’s love we can fly’, perfectly describes your collective expectations for pupils and your belief in what they can achieve. Together, you have created a loving environment that promotes the care and nurture of the whole school community, enfolded by Christian values that are lived out day by day. Children are rightly proud of their school and feel the sense of belonging that has been created and is a strong feature of the school. Ofsted 2018
In England, all schools must promote SMSC and at St Philip’s SMSC is outstanding. It is embedded within our Christian and British values, all areas of school life, throughout every subject in the curriculum and in all aspects of personal development.
In our school, the spiritual child can…….
- Explore their values and beliefs
- Reflect and learn from their thoughts
- Learn from religion
- Know what makes them and others happy
- Grow in a spiritually conducive ethos and climate
- Ask questions about life
- Make connections
- Respect themselves and others
- Hold a set of values, beliefs and principles
- Show empathy towards others
- Reflect on their lives
- Are creative thinkers
- Show resilience, persistence and courage
- Relish and enjoy challenge
- Appreciate the wonder and awe of life
In our school the moral child can………
- Develop a strong moral code
- learn from outstanding staff role models
- Understand the need for values, rules and the law
- Respect all cultures
- Allow freedom of expression
- Know right from wrong
- Confidently uphold their values and principles
- Reflect on consequences
- Confidently express their views
- Make rational and wise judgements
- Respect others
- Relish the chance to explore other cultures
- Be willing to alter their views
In our school the social child can……
- Embed key values
- Develop a shared sense of community
- Work as a team and cooperate
- Actively develop their personal skills and conflict resolutions skills
- Understand and engage in democratic processes
- Understand the need to be part of the wider community
- Use appropriate behaviour
- Relate well to others
- Make a contribution to society
- Sensitively challenge the opinions of others
- Exercise their responsibilities
In our school the cultural child can…..
- Adopt a zero tolerance policy to discrimination
- Take part in a rich range of cultural experiences
- Show cultural awareness in every aspect of school life
- Understand their own culture and belief and what has shaped them
- Respect and appreciate the cultures of others
- Learn from other cultures
- Enjoy cultural experiences
- Are open to new ideas and beliefs