St Philip Westbrook C of E Primary School

St Philip Westbrook C of E Primary School"Together we aim high and with God's love we can fly"

Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Information

At St. Philip Westbrook we provide a challenging and exciting curriculum which has been written to meet the needs of all our pupils. We call this the AIM HIGH curriculum.

At St Philip Westbrook, the purpose of our AIM HIGH curriculum is to:

‘Together we aim high and with God’s love we can fly’

We strive to provide the highest standards of education and behaviour, and work together as a whole school community to ensure that children are given the opportunity to develop their God given potential in a secure and supportive environment. Together we foster a love of learning in a happy and safe Christian environment to develop the mind, body and spirit. Christian values are at the heart of our teaching and learning and we encourage all of our children to put these values into practice in every aspect of school life.Progression of knowledge, skills and understanding is planned carefully both within each year group and across year groups in a way that maximises learning opportunities. The progress and attainment of children is systematically tracked across all subjects in school to ensure that children achieve their potential. Children achieve highly across all subjects of the National Curriculum.

More information about the school’s curriculum can be found by following the links below:

What will my child learn in Reception class?

What will my child learn in Year 1?

What will my child learn in Year 2?

What will my child learn in Year 3?

What will my child learn in Year 4?

What will my child learn in Year 5?

What will my child learn in Year 6?

Our personalised curriculum is based upon the statutory curriculum for Reception and Years 1 – 6:

Early Years Foundation Stage Framework 

Foundation Stage Development Matters Guidance

National Curriculum

You can find information about how the school is complying with its duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 to make the curriculum accessible to pupils with SEND in our SEND Information Report 2023 – 2024

“Your curriculum is a real strength. It is led enthusiastically and confidently by your subject champions, who are passionate about their subjects. You have developed a well thought-out and comprehensive curriculum which provides lots of opportunities for real-life and ‘wow’ experiences. Pupils say that you have been successful in making learning enjoyable and exciting.”
Ofsted Report 2018

Pupils are fully engaged in their learning and are all encouraged and confident to participate equally in their lessons. Teachers are effective in the way they ask just the right questions to support pupils’ individual understanding and draw out their learning. Teachers have strong subject knowledge and clearly explain activities and their expectations. Pupils respond extremely well, noticeably enjoying their learning and the opportunities they have to try out and apply their skills.
Ofsted report 2018

“A broad and balanced curriculum taught by excellent, professional teachers.”
Junior parent

“The curriculum is well planned and thought out. The activities used are exciting and engaging and my child is always full of enthusiasm about the learning he has done. The half termly visits and visitors enrich the curriculum further and provide opportunities to learn in a fun, hands on way.”
Junior parent

“My child loves coming to school and is always talking about the things that she has learned.”
Infant parent

You have established an excellent system for assessing the progress of pupils in each subject. You identify pupils who are working at an expected standard for their age and those who are working at greater depth.
Ofsted Report 2018

If you would like further information about our school curriculum, please contact the school office at