St Philip Westbrook C of E Primary School

St Philip Westbrook C of E Primary School"Together we aim high and with God's love we can fly"

Year 6 Mr Spink

Welcome to our class page. Here, you will find information about the children’s exciting learning, as well as any key dates or important pieces of information that you will need to know for the upcoming weeks and months.

Our Learning

The Crucifixion 

In RE, we learnt about the events that took place during Holy week. We thought in particular about the events that led up to the crucifixion, and how there would have been a mixture of joy and sadness felt at these events. We hot seated different people that Jesus would have met with during Holy week. This helped us understand a variety of people’s feelings and thoughts during this important time. 


This half term, we have been learning a variety of Gymnastics skills. We have learnt different balances, jumps and shapes. Once we practised these we started to put them into sequences with a start and finish position. We worked really well in our groups and came up with some fantastic ideas. 

Egyptian Day

The children were all transported back to Ancient Egypt today. We all came into school dressed like Ancient Egyptians and took part in lots of different activities. We spent the day decoding hieroglyphs, tasting Egyptian food and learning about different gods and goddesses. We have loved our Ancient Egypt topic and we are now all Egyptian experts!   

Everton In the Community

Today, we had a special visit from Everton In the Community as part of our annual health week. We took part in three different sessions. In our first session, we had lots of fun learning all about how to keep fit and pushing ourselves to our limits in different fitness activities. Next, we went to learn a dance from the musical ‘Hairspray’, Miss Evans was really impressed with our dance moves. We finished the morning by reflecting and thinking about our mental health. We were all able to identify that sometimes we feel worried in school and at home. We all made a hand print with ideas to calm us down when we are faced with a stressful or worrying situation. A big thank you to Everton In the Community, we had a great day!

Liverpool World Museum

We visited the World Museum in Liverpool to continue our learning about Ancient Egypt.  We took part in two different workshops during the day. In one of the workshops, we looked at and investigated artifacts from Ancient Egypt that archaeologists from the museum had found. In the other workshop, we got the chance to mummify a body and learnt all about the process of mummification. The children also helped with the mummification process. 


Wow what an exciting two days we have had! We have just got back from our Foxhowl residential. We did lots of exciting activities such as den building, stream shuffling, toasting marshmallows and orienteering. The children showed super team work skills throughout our stay and I am so proud of every child, well done Year 3!

Christmas Performance 

The children put on a fantastic performance of ‘Lights, Camel, Action.’ In the weeks leading up to the show the children have worked so hard on their singing, dancing and acting. We were so proud to see all of their hard work paid off and we are so proud of every child. Thank you to all the adults who helped them with costumes, learning lines and songs. 

Pattern Seeking 

In Science, we did a pattern seeking investigation to see if people with long femurs jumped further. We were able to produce our own tables to record results and made accurate measurements. Before the investigation we made detailed predictions and then refereed back to these when analysing our results. 

Science – muscles

Today we took a close up look to see how muscles work when we dissected chicken wings. The children were fascinated to see how bones and muscles worked together. 



We have made our own den in class today. We started by learning about the Jewish festival of Sukkot, this is the festival when God’s people became free from slavery in Egypt and made their way to Israel (Promised Land). During the forty years they travelled through the desert they had to build sukkahs to sleep and live in. The sukkahs have at least 3 walls and are made from leaves and twigs. 

Children in Need

A big thank you to all the adults who donated money and  helped the children dress in their spots for children in need. We had a fantastic day and raised lots of money!  The children were very excited when we had our visit in the classroom from Pudsey, who collected our donations. 

Cave Drama 

We used drama to help support our writing in English. We imagined that we were living in the Stone Age with our families. We thought about what conversations and activities would be taking place in the cave. Using these ideas, we produced pieces of descriptive writing. 

The Good Samaritan 

”Love one another as I have loved you.”

After looking at rules in RE we learnt about the new commandment that Jesus added. We started to think how we could show this commandment in our own lives to make us more like Jesus. A time when this commandment was shown was during The Good Samaritan, we read this together. Through the use of drama we retold the story and used thought tracking to help us with the feelings of people. From using thought tracking we then discussed how people around us would feel if we followed this new commandment everyday.

Bronze Age Timeline 

In History, we looked at the meaning of BC and AD we started to think about if we were now living in BC or AD. After our discussion, we then had to think about it the Bronze Age was in BC or AD. We learnt about different events that happened in the Bronze age and then placed them in the correct order on a timeline.

Leon and the Place Between

In English, we have used the book Leon and the Place Between. We have loved using this book and have took part in lots of drama activities based on the book. Today, we were statues and sculptors. In our partners, we sculpted each other to show the emotions of the different characters in the book. We then walked around the classroom to look at each other and used our ideas to help us with our writing.


Our topic for this half term is ‘What lies beneath our feet?’. In Science, we will be learning about different types of rocks and soils and how they are formed. We started learning about different types of rocks today and hosted the rock awards. We all got to bring in our own rock from home and we used scientific vocabulary to classify them. At the end of the lesson, awards were given out for our rocks.

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What is the best way to wash our hands?

During the first few days of our topic, ‘Happy, Healthy Me,’ the children all thought of their own questions that they would like to find out the answer to. A very popular question was, ‘what is the best way to wash our hands?’ so we decided to complete an investigation to answer the question. We decided on four different ways of washing our hands; using warm water and soap, cold water and soap, just cold water, and just soap. After our investigation we concluded that using warm water and soap is the best way to wash our hands, as it got rid of the germs that we can see, and those that we can’t!

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