Welcome to our class page. Here, you will find information about the children’s exciting learning, as well as any key dates or important pieces of information that you will need to know for the upcoming weeks and months.
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Our Learning from Reception
Learning from Home
We would just like to say a big thank you to all the children and their grown ups for working hard to complete the home learning activities. We are enjoying looking at the work that you have done each day. We miss you and we are very proud of you!
Here are some pictures of the work that you have done at home.
World Book Day
The children immensely enjoyed world book day and dressing up as their favourite characters from their chosen book. We also had a tour around school looking at the classroom doors, which each year group had decorated with their favourite book. In the afternoon the children participated in creative activities, sharing books and drawings of their favourite characters.
The children had a good tennis lesson and followed instructions well.They have received an invitation to go to a fun day.
Our Visit
The children have enjoyed their visit to Westbrook Library and had fun delving through books and sharing them.
The Land Before Time
The children are very enthusiastic about our new topic all about dinosaurs and were very excited when our dinosaur egg hatched yesterday. The children have decided to call our new member of the class Dippy.
Mask Parade
The children had lots of fun sharing their masks with each other and worked hard on their individual designs.
Real Super Heroes Visit!
We had some amazing firefighters visit us today to tell us all about their real life super hero jobs and equipment. The children enjoyed asking questions and listening to all of the information and exciting details about their equipment. They even got to use some of it! We all really enjoyed the experience.
Chinese New Year
We have been learning all about the Chinese New Year celebrations including the story of The Great Race and how the Chinese Zodiac was developed. We also really enjoyed making our own Chinese dragon .
Health Week
The children have enjoyed health week and have participated in lots of exciting activities including Yoga, Zumba and Boot camp .
This children have had an exciting start to the new term with the launch of our Superheroes topic! The children began the week creating wanted posters to find the Evil Pea. From the story Supertato.
In art we have been exploring primary colours and what colours they make when the are mixed. Here are some pictures of the children mixing colours.
Christmas Party
Today the children have had a wonderful party. We played party games including pass the parcel and musical chairs and then we had a visit from Father Christmas! The children were excited to talk about his visit with their friends whilst they had their party food.
Christmas jumper day
The children enjoyed showing off their Christmas jumpers and have had a fun day! Thank you for your donations.
Asteroid Rock Cakes
This week we have been learning all about instructions. Firstly, we have been following and giving instructions. Today we have been reading and ordering instructions to help us to make rock cakes.
Later this week, the children will be writing their own instructions.
Children in need
The children have enjoyed a fun day of activities and looked amazing in their outfits .They also had a big surprise when Pudsey Bear visited them in the hall.Thank you to everyone for your kind donations .
What would I like to be when I grow up?
Today the children have dressed up in uniforms of what they would like to be when they grow up. They enjoyed sharing what job they would like to do with the other children and teachers.
Later we had a visit from the police. The children were very excited to learn about what a police officer does and even got to sit in a police car!
We have had a very exciting start to our last week of half term! We kicked off Careers week with three visitors to our class. The children have learned about what it would be like to be a doctor, a vicar and a vet. They got to handle some of the equipment that they would need to do those jobs and even had the chance to practise being a vet by looking after Dougal the dog! The children listened beautifully to all of our visitors and asked lots of interesting questions.
Here are some of the things that they got up to…
Where do I live?
The children have enjoyed discussing our local area and learning about different homes and houses we all live in. This afternoon they were enthusiastic about their junk modelling and construction of the different buildings in our vicinity.
All About Me
The children have settled in to school life very well. They have started to learn new sounds, explore shapes and have been drawing pictures of themselves. This week the children are thinking about the question ‘What do I look like?’ They have labelled pictures of themselves and have been listening carefully to sounds that they can hear in the words. We have also had great fun exploring movement in PE.
All the children have had an exciting first week in Reception! The children have enjoyed exploring the different areas of the classroom and have been busy making new friends. We are looking forward to the adventures that we will have together during the year. Here are a few photographs to show what they have been doing so far…