Spirituality in the Community
We would love for our church and local community to get involved with some activities to help them feel more spiritual.
We have a public reflection area in school by the hope window. Our current focus is preparing for Lent.
Lent is a time when we give something up to remember the 40 days and nights that Jesus spent in the desert without food or water.
With Lent approaching, think about what you are going to give up.
Some people give up unhealthy food or drink like chocolate, sweets and fizzy drinks.
Others try to give up bad habits like biting their nails.
Decide what you are going to give up.
Say a prayer to God, asking Him to give you the strength not to give into temptation.
If you would like, please let us know what you are giving up for Lent and why, by emailing ethos@stphilipwestbrook.co.uk