St Philip Westbrook C of E Primary School

St Philip Westbrook C of E Primary School"Together we aim high and with God's love we can fly"


You can find details about our Governors and Governing Body using the subheading links on the left of the page and by viewing information below. If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, please do so via the school office, either by the school email address or via letter if it is a confidential matter.

The governing body is responsible for promoting high standards of achievement, driving improvements and ensuring that resources are used effectively to give every child the best possible education. Governing bodies have a strong focus upon ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction. They also hold the Headteacher to account for the performance of the school, the pupils and the staff; in addition to overseeing the financial performance of the school ensuring that money is well spent.

Governors act as a critical friend whereby they recognise and celebrate achievements, know where the school is not achieving well and challenge this, support and encourage improvement strategies, develop a good relationship with the Headteacher and staff, and respect professional boundaries whilst expecting high standards.

St Philips’s governing body is made up of the Headteacher, 9 Foundation governors, 1 Staff governor, 1 Local Authority governor, 2 Parent governors, and 2 Co-opted Governors. Meetings for the full governing body are held once per term.  Sub-committees of Curriculum, and Resources also meet once per term. Below are our current governors, find out more information by clicking on the sub heading links on the left of the page.

Name and date appointed Type of Governor Term of Office    
Mr Paul Stanley Headteacher Appointed 01.09.2021 Chair of Governors 4 Yrs (15.10.24)
Mr Lee Herridge (18.09.24) (Formerly a Parent Governor) Foundation Governor and Chair of Governors 4 Yrs (18.09.28)    
Mrs June Dunning (16.02.24) Foundation Governor 4 Yrs (15.02.2028)    
Mr John Callaway (31.03.23) Staff Governor 4 Yrs (31.03.27)    
Mrs Jane Pearson (18.10.21) Parent Governor 4 Yrs (18.10.25)    
Mrs Katie Mansfield (31.03.23)            Parent Governor 4 Yrs (31.03.27)    
Mr Alan Guthrie (06.06.21) Co-opted Governor 4 Yrs (06.06.25)    
Mrs Sarah Cooper (12.06.23) Foundation Governor 4 Yrs (12.06.27)    
Rev. Sarah Peppiatt  Ex-Officio Appointed 20.02.16    
Mrs Danielle Cudjoe (18.09.24) Foundation Governor and Vice-Chair of Governors 4 Yrs (18.09.28)    
Ms Helen Atherton (28.02.23) Co-opted Governor 4 Yrs (28.02.27)    
Mrs Lindsay Savage (25.01.22) Foundation Governor                4 Yrs (25.01.26)    
Mrs Miranda Lomas (24.11.23) Foundation Governor 4 Yrs (24.11.27)    
Mrs Christine Ralston (24.11.23) Foundation Governor 4 Yrs (24.11.27)    
Mrs Kim Yates (29.07.24) Foundation Governor 4 Yrs (29.07.28)    

Governors have agreed the strategic aims for 2023-2026 which are:

  • To support all within our school community to develop spiritually, socially, morally and culturally in order to ‘live life in all its fullness’
  • To achieve excellent academic outcomes for all pupils
  • For all our children to flourish within a strong, aspirational and bespoke curriculum
  • To work in partnership with the local community and St. Philip’s church
  • To be an employer of choice within the local area
  • To successfully navigate our way through the changing, educational national landscape
  • To achieve well managed finances and a well maintained, environmentally sustainable school site
  • For the whole school community to demonstrate excellence through external evaluation