Welcome to our class page. Here, you will find information about the children’s exciting learning, as well as any key dates or important pieces of information that you will need to know for the upcoming half term.
Our Learning
What a fantastically exciting day we had today. We were all sorted into teams by the sorting hat before we had a fantastic game of Quidditch. We practised agility, tactics and coordination to improve our game, and had lots of fun working together to win as many points as we could.
Ancient Egyptian Day
Today was a fantastic today which ended our topic. The children looked fabulous in their costumes and took part in hieroglyph decoding, Ancient Egyptian art, Top Trumps – Ancient Egyptian gods and a tasty banquet.
Class Worship
The children were incredible today sharing their work with parents and the rest of the school. We are all very proud of the hard work they put in, and the smiles they wore throughout the performance.
Health and Well-Being Week
This week was all about learning to keep our bodies and minds healthy. We had lots of special guests into school, and took part in lots of exciting activities. Coaches from Everton Football Club came to work on our fitness and dance; Beth Tweddle’s gymnastics coaches taught us about shapes and jumps and Wil from Warrington Wolves came to inspire us with the stories of his achievements. We learnt about a balanced diet and designed healthy meals for meat eaters and vegetarians.
The children voted for their favourite activity which appeared to be the mile run and requested that we do it again soon.
Liverpool World Museum – Ancient Egypt Trip
We had a fabulous day learning all about life in Ancient Egyptian times. The children handled artifacts from the past and learned about the job of an archaeologist in the Western Learning Centre. Later in the morning, they took leading parts in a drama workshop which taught them the gruesome facts of mummification. We have a class full of budding actors!
After lunch, we spent time in the gallery and followed the trail to find interesting facts. One of the children was shocked to see that a 3000 year old mummy had more teeth than her!
It was a wonderful day, full of exciting learning that was enjoyed by us all.
Science – A sneaky visitor.
Today, we noticed that there had been an uninvited visitor to our school, and that individual had left a rather large hand print. We were a little worried by the size of the hand and so decided to work out the actual size of the intruder. The children looked for patterns and relationships between the size of their own hands and other body parts to help them to draw an image of the unwanted guest.
When the children had finished their pattern seeking investigation, they were relieved to find a letter from a friendly giant who had been simply passing through and had not intended to scare anyone. His biscuit gift, by way of apology, was well received by everyone.
We all had a fantastic time during our recent residential visit. The children took part in exciting activities which developed their team work and problem solving. We raced to be the winning team during orienteering activities; we got very dirty during den building and discovered lots of living creatures when we were stream shuffling.
The fun didn’t stop when it went dark, and lots of the children said that toasting marshmallows and singing by the camp fire was their favourite activity.
Science – Muscles
To take a closer look at how muscles and bones work together to help animals move, we looked closely at chicken wings. The children were fascinated to see how muscles were attached to bones and how moving the muscles made the bones move.
Christmas Performance
The children completed their final Christmas performance today and were truly wonderful. They all worked so hard to learn their lines and songs and looked magnificent in their costumes. A huge thank you to you all for your support and kind compliments about the show.
Science – Bones
To launch our science topic today, the children were given the challenge of making a human skeleton using bone shaped biscuits. The groups had to think carefully about how to work as an effective team and were then given challenge questions to answer: What is the purpose of a skeleton? Do all animals have skeletons? Are all skeletons the same?
Children in Need
Our children looked fabulous today, dressed in their Pudsey outfits in support of this wonderful charity.
The excitement levels hit the roof when Pudsey himself made a surprise drop into our classroom to collect all of the money that had been donated. Thank you to you all!
Worship Group
Our first worship group of the year did a fantastic job this week when they held class worship. They acted out their story magnificently and asked questions to encourage the children to reflect on the theme of thankfulness. They all deserved their certificates and took great pleasure in selecting children to form the worship group for next half term.
Dojo Certificates
We were delighted to give out our first two bronze dojo certificates this week. These have been awarded for reaching 100 dojo points which are awarded for displaying Christian Values. Well done to both children!

Science – Fossils
The children enjoyed making dinosaur fossils during a recent science lesson. It helped them to visualise how fossils were formed over many years in layers of rocks.
English – The First Drawing
This week, we have been using the book, ‘The First Drawing’ to help stimulate ideas for our writing. The story is set during the Stone Age when the main character paints cave paintings onto the walls of his cave; much to the horror of his family members. To help us ti imagine the feelings of the family, we created a freeze frame, and looked carefully at facial expressions to help us with our descriptive writing.
Science – Soils
During our recent science topic, the children looked at a range of different rocks and soils and classify them based on physical characteristics.
During today’s lesson, the children tried to help a gardener with a soil problem. Mrs Greenfingers needed to know why her garden was filled with puddles. The children thought that it might be a soil problem, so they tested different soils to see which drained best. At the end of the investigation, they decided that she needed a loam soil and her garden had too much clay.
RE – The Good Samaritan
This half term, we have been thinking about rules and those which were passed on by God. We have explored the 10 commandments and the reasons why God had to give these to His people. This week, we have been considering the teachings of Jesus and His rules for living. We reenacted the story of The Good Samaritan; thought about the lessons that is teaches us, and how, by following its message, we can be more like Jesus.
PE – Netball
We love learning outdoors and keeping fit and healthy. This half term, we have been learning new skills to help us play games of netball. We have been practising our passes and have learnt how to move the ball quickly and efficiently across the court.
All of the children have had a wonderful first two weeks back, and they have all settled well into Year 3.
Two of our wonderful students have been busy planting the planters to make sure that our outside space is cheerful and welcoming.